Me (Anastacia), playing guitar as well as I played my classmates on that fateful April 1
April Fool’s Day isn't really a time for reflection, but it is for me. Why is that? Well, when I was very young, I loved pranks! And when I was a senior in highschool, I orchestrated The Best April Fool’s Day ever. It was completely spontaneous and incredibly inspired. It was like a piece of classical music…. It began with a simple, quiet melody. A few other instruments joined in, tossing the melody back and forth. By the middle of the piece, every instrument was playing the melody in a giant crescendo.
I've yearned an April 1st like that day ever since, but have held off any pranks to avoid a sad attempt to recreate a masterpiece.
I was passing notes with a friend in a morning class. Notes were pretty silly, because we risked getting in a lot of trouble without having much to say. It was rare a note had any interesting information, but we worked hard to pass them back and forth without being spotted.
I was getting a little bored, when I realized it was April Fool’s Day. What better time to participate in this ridiculous holiday than now? I had to think of a prank that would translate well into causal, note passing format. And, an episode of MTV’s True Life was stuck in my head. It was one of the episodes about getting implants, and the girls getting boob or nose jobs was not the interesting part. It was the guy who was featured, who had gotten calf implants, that was still on replay in my head. So, there it was, my note to Vicky…. “I think I’m getting calf implants”
Vicky, who was wise enough to question if it was an April Fool's joke, but could not see past my amazing acting skills
When the bell rang, my friend was ripe with questions. Luckily the episode of True Life prepared me with a lot of info about calf implants and why someone would choose to get them. She even asked me if this was an April Fool’s prank. I told her in all seriousness, I had been thinking about it for a while. My excellent acting & research skills surely convinced her that this was no joke.
By lunch time, the rumor spread to our circles in the cafeteria. I was pretty surprised people still believed me, once everyone was talking about it. Luckily, I was able to throw my mom’s opinion on the matter into the story. To my friends’ shock, my mom was always very disappointed in the size of my calves, and she said she’d get me surgery for my 17th birthday. I decided to go through with it, because: what’s the harm in a little extra bulk in the calf region?
Finally, Lindsay came into the cafeteria. As soon as she heard the story that was going around, she pretty much said “Uh, no… that’s an April Fool’s day joke”
Thanks, Lindsay! But really, it was good timing. Lunch period was over and I was bored of the joke by that point.
Lindsay, who wasn't fooled by my shenanigans
Luckily, the fun continued after school! My friends now wanted to pull a prank on their parents. Fiona asked me to call her mom, and so I made up a story about how Fiona was caught cheating. Acting as our Principal, Sister Martha, I recited the motto of our school, (Veritas) and said that cheating was grounds for expulsion. Her poor mom believed me, once again due to my excellent acting. The prank was so convincing that Fiona’s mom asked me to do it again, this time to her dad.
After that, we tried to convince Laura’s parents that we were lesbians, but they were too savvy to fall for it. I also told my mom I had dyed my hair pink. She was not amused, but her reaction was not amusing either. Regardless, we had had our fair share of fun pranks for the day.
We were so gassed up on silliness that it was hard to get anything else done. I may have practiced the piano that night, but I definitely didn't do any homework! Viva l'April